Having Second Thoughts Already

I just created rainleander.wordpress.com today – yesterday it was leanderthalblog.wordpress.com which you’re welcome to visit, but I ran away from that so fast, it made MY HEAD SPIN.

Hence the sparse content.

But I’m not sure about the domain STILL. We’ll see if it lasts another day. Which will make it more solid than leanderthalblog, that’s for sure!

The goal of this site is going to be something along the lines of OpenStack / TripleO / RDO Project / Fedora Project / Django Girls / python / ansible / tripleo quickstart / code newbie / speaking newb / geek / nerd cause that’s where I am.

If you’d like to hear about something specific, drop me a line or send me a tweet or carrier pigeon / homing beacon / smoke signal – whatevs.

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